Configuration dialog

Chapter 5. Configuration dialog


The KPlayer Settings dialog allows you to control most aspects of KPlayer's behavior, as well as choose options that are passed to MPlayer and control quality and performance of media playback.

Select Settings->Configure KPlayer... to open the dialog box.

The dialog contains several sections which are selected by left clicking one of the items on the left side of the dialog box.

General section

Contains options that affect general KPlayer behavior.

Controls section

Contains advanced options that control how your choices made using various KPlayer controls are applied and stored.

Progress section

Contains options that affect the progress slider control and the seeking function.

Volume section

Contains options that affect the volume slider control.

Contrast section

Contains options that affect the contrast slider control.

Brightness section

Contains options that affect the brightness slider control.

Hue section

Contains options that affect the hue slider control.

Saturation section

Contains options that affect the saturation slider control.

Sliders section

Contains miscellaneous options that affect all slider controls in KPlayer.

Video section

Contains options that control video output.

Audio section

Contains options that control audio output.

Subtitles section

Contains options that control subtitle display.

Advanced section

Contains various options that affect advanced command line parameters passed to MPlayer, as well as interaction with KDE I/O Slaves.

The buttons at the bottom of the dialog let you make choices about the contents of all sections of the dialog.

OK button

Accepts your changes and closes the dialog.

Cancel button

Closes the dialog without saving the changes.

Apply button

Applies the changes without closing the dialog.

Defaults button

Restores all settings to their original, predefined values and applies them.

Close button

After you choose Apply or Defaults, the Cancel button changes to Close. Clicking it closes the dialog and discards changes you made since the last time changes were applied.

Help button

Opens this user manual and displays the section that describes the currently selected section of the dialog.


You can also click the small What's This button with a question mark at the top right of the dialog and then click a configuration option to get a brief explanation of it.

Clicking the rightmost button at the top of the dialog closes the dialog discarding any unapplied changes.


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